IQS Tech Transfer’s commitment to companies is to offer solutions based on our knowledge, experience and continuous innovation to boost their competitiveness.

This offer is specified with the following Services:

  • Development and validation of analytical methods
  • Sample analysis for quality control
  • Development of synthesis processes
  • Scale up of production processes
  • Optimization of formulations
  • Statistical studies
  • Simulation studies
  • Research and development projects
  • Consulting and advice
  • Expert reports











* in the last five years

Bioscience solutions

Bioscience solutions

We are specialists in industrial biotechnology. We are focused on the different segments that innovate in biotechnology: pharmaceutical, chemical, energy, agri-food, diagnostics, food and cosmetics. We have multidisciplinary research groups in the areas of biotechnology, pharmacy and chemistry.

Bioprocess solutions

Bioprocess solutions

Development and optimisation of bioprocesses. Upstream & Downstream. Fine-tuning of new bioprocesses, scale-up and test batch manufacturing.

Chemical analysis under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Standards

Chemical analysis under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Standards

At IQS we offer to pharmaceutical industry a physicochemical quality control testing service under GMP regulatory framework.

Chemistry: Products and Processes

Chemistry: Products and Processes

Innovation and optimization services for industrial processes and technological improvements to achieve more competitive companies. Consulting and support for industries to help them obtain better performance from their facilities.

Flow Chemistry Unit

Flow Chemistry Unit

The Flow Chemistry Unit is focused on the transformation and optimization of production processes for the fine chemical industry. Application of new production techniques that allow the transformation of batch processes to safer, more efficient, faster, and more environmentally sustainable continuous processes.

Pharmacy and cosmetics

Pharmacy and cosmetics

Solid experience and knowledge in the development of RDI projects, with experts in various disciplines that meet the needs of the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors. Analysis according to GMP regulations.

Advanced materials

Advanced materials

Innovative projects aimed at the industrial structure in polymer chemistry, surface modification, biomaterials and advanced materials for industrial applications.

Analysis of dioxins and other pollutants

Analysis of dioxins and other pollutants

Analysis service of persistent organic pollutants, especially dioxins, furans, PCB and PAH with ENAC accreditation. Also other emerging pollutants (cyanotoxins and pharmaceutical drugs) and persistent compounds (pesticides and perfluorinated).

Environment, sustainability and energy

Environment, sustainability and energy

Environmental analysis services in accordance with the legal requirements, as well as environmental engineering and sustainability projects, to respond to current challenges.

Industrial product engineering

Industrial product engineering

Wide range of services for the industrial sector, including product engineering in all its aspects: consulting, calculation and design of industrial products and life cycle management.

Interlaboratory Exercises (Nuclear Power Plants)

Interlaboratory Exercises (Nuclear Power Plants)

Interlaboratory exercises on water samples, where the different participants independently analyse the same prepared sample under the coordination of an organisation, which is also responsible for collecting the results and analysing them statistically. The final objective is to perform a quality control of each laboratory's work, evaluating their methods of analysis, equipment and personnel.

Neuro & Digital Marketing Lab IQS

Neuro & Digital Marketing Lab IQS

Neuro & Digital Marketing Lab IQS offers solutions to companies interested in researching the behaviour of their consumers in order to develop products and services adapted to their needs. We have state-of-the-art neuromarketing tools and advanced digital marketing software.

Business consulting and advice

Business consulting and advice

The IQS School of Management and the IQS School of Engineering have jointly created an economic-industrial environment in which a powerful group of professionals offers companies consulting services in various areas of business management.