Jordi Abellà Iglesias, PhD
Head of EQBA Group - Professor
- Development of electrochemical sensors
- Electrochemistry of corrosion phenomena
School of Engineering
Electrochemistry and Bioanalysis Group
EQBA's activity is structured around the different analytical, spectrometric, chromatographic, electrochemical and optical techniques, both in their application and in their development.
Electrochemical Laboratory
Laboratory dedicated to the study of corrosion phenomena on materials in industrial plants and to the development of chemical cleaning processes. The nature and chemical composition of inorganic materials is studied by electron microscopy with microanalysis. Electrochemical analysis techniques are also used.
Ecsenfus (Desarollo de sensores electroquímicos para su aplicación en fusión)
Desarrollo de sensores de hidrógeno (tritio) y de litio para su uso empleados en el eutéctico litio-plomo fundido y en litio
fundido, en ITER, el test de fusión nuclear más grande del mundo, que utiliza deuterio y tritio como combustible en la reacción de fusión en ITER.
Funding Agency:
Research Group Link:
Electrochemistry and Bioanalysis Group (EQBA)
Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon Europe through a joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium
Funding Agency:
Research Group Link:
Electrochemistry and Bioanalysis Group (EQBA)
EUTECTIC (Producción industrial de la aleación eutéctica de litio plomo enriquecida en Li-6 : material estratégico en Tecnología de Fusión)
Material estratégico de la tecnología energética del s. XXI: mejor material regenerador de combustible, para reactores de Fusión Nuclear
Funding Agency:
Research Group Link:
Electrochemistry and Bioanalysis Group (EQBA)