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FastComet (Future Data Storage Using Colloidal Memory Technology)

Novel colloidal memory concept in which colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) are considered carriers of the data, and by means of the electrodes, applied frequencies and electrophoresis, particles are arranged in specific sequences in the capillaries to store data.

Font de finançament:
Unió Europea
Entitat financera:
Tipologia de projecte:
Projecte consorci europeu
01/11/2023 a 31/10/2026
Estat del projecte:

In the FastComet project, we aim to establish a proof-of-concept for colloidal memory by identifying suitable nanoparticles, developing nanofabricated test structures, using advanced nanoscopy imaging techniques to demonstrate the selective manipulation of nanoparticles into passive nanocapillary arrays, and establishing a modeling framework for future technology development.

The long-term aim is to develop an integrated device that is able to store data using nanoparticles smaller than 15 nm. This would ultimately result in ultra-high bit densities exceeding 100 Gbit per square millimeter and potentially reaching 1 Tbit square millimeter at a lower cost than existing data storage technologies. Data are being generated at ever-increasing rates with the widespread digital transformation in businesses and society. The continually increasing demand for affordable data storage puts tremendous pressure on storage technologies. FastComet is a colloidal memory concept in which colloidal nanoparticles are considered data carriers. The memory consists of a large array of nanocapillaries in which two types of nanoparticles with antagonistic electrophoresis (DEP) properties can be selectively inserted into the capillary by DEP forces. Data can be stored as the specific stacking sequence of the different particle types. A CMOS circuit at the periphery of the array addresses and controls the electrodes. The long-term aim is to develop an integrated device that is able to store data using nanoparticles smaller than 15 nm. This would ultimately result in ultra-high bit densities exceeding 100 Gbit per square millimeter and potentially reaching 1 Tbit square millimeter at a lower cost than existing data storage technologies.


Dr. Roger Bresolí Obach

Professor Associat - Investigador Ramón y Cajal



Noves tecnologies d’emmagatzematge de dades

El grup ApplightChem d’IQS és un dels integrants del projecte europeu FASTCOMET, que té com a objectiu desenvolupar noves memòries de dades d’elevada capacitat d’emmagatzematge i preu assequible, basades en tecnologies de memòria col·loïdals.



Applied Photobiological Chemistry

School of Engineering

Applied Photobiological Chemistry

Recerca especialitzada en les aplicacions biomèdiques (resistència antimicrobiana amb fototeràpia) i desenvolupament de teragnòstics en el diagnòstic i tractament de tumors