Dr. Roger Bresolí Obach
Professor Associat - Investigador Ramón y Cajal
- Desenvolupament de mètodes de imatge en el infraroig proper
- Fotoquímica Biològica – Teràpia Fotodinàmica
- Materials Fotofuncionals
- Trampes i enllaços òptics en interfases
School of Engineering
Applied Photobiological Chemistry
Recerca especialitzada en les aplicacions biomèdiques (resistència antimicrobiana amb fototeràpia) i desenvolupament de teragnòstics en el diagnòstic i tractament de tumors
Chemphot (chemistry of photons: from photobiology to optical matter)
Innovative treatment of infections and cancer using real-time monitoring of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) using self-reporting non-toxic photosensitizers
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Grup d'investigació associat:
Applied Photobiological Chemistry (AppLightChem)
FastComet (Future Data Storage Using Colloidal Memory Technology)
Novel colloidal memory concept in which colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) are considered carriers of the data, and by means of the electrodes, applied frequencies
and electrophoresis, particles are arranged in specific sequences in the capillaries to store data.
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Grup d'investigació associat:
Applied Photobiological Chemistry (AppLightChem)
Lightcompas (Exploring light-matter interactions and forces in complex particle arrays)
New knowledge to bring a focused understanding of interactions between light and matter opening up new frontiers in Nano-Optoelectronics, Optical Microscopy, Nano/Bio-sensing, Optical Communications, (Bio-)Optical Manipulation
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Grup d'investigació associat:
Applied Photobiological Chemistry (AppLightChem)