Cristina Montañola Sales, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Social simulation
- Agent-based models
- Parallel computing
- Epidemiology
- Demography
School of Engineering
Applied Data Analytics and Modeling IQS
The goal of ADAMIQS is the application of data analytics and modeling techniques to the different areas of expertise of IQS (i.e. biosciences, engineering and social sciences) and the teaching of these techniques in higher education.
PoPMeD-SuSDeV (Population Medicine and Sustainable Development in Europe and China)
EU-China network working on a joint research program in health, development economics, and anthropology.
Funding Agency:
Research Group Link:
Sustainability, Economics and Ethics (SEE)
Lluitant contra l’aporofòbia (Modelatge de la desigualtat i la pobresa per comprendre el rebuig als pobres)
Segons les Nacions Unides, la desigualtat persistent i creixent afecta negativament el creixement econòmic i augmenta la pobresa
Funding Agency:
Research Group Link:
Applied Data Analytics and Modeling IQS (ADAMIQS)