Cristina Fornaguera Puigvert, PhD
Associate Professor
- Polymeric nanosystems for biomedical applications.
- Design of advanced drug delivery systems.
- Design of non-viral vectors for gene therapy.
- Optimisation of nanoformulations with organ-specific vectorisation.
- Formulation of mRNA vaccines based on nanosystems.
- Design of new immunotherapies for cancer treatment
School of Engineering
Materials Engineering
Its activities focus on three main areas: the development of new functional materials, surface engineering and biomaterials.
School of Engineering
Chemical & Synthetic Biology for Biotherapies
This group combines chemistry and synthetic biology to develop precision bio-nano-therapeutics based on smart proteins and to generate molecular systems that enable transport of therapeutics to the brain.
DemiRNApy (Role of miRNAs in the anterior cingulate cortex, as peripheral biomarkers, and their targeted modulation by nano-tools as a antidepressant therapy)
Role of microRNAs in the brain , as peripheral biomarkers and as nano-tools as novel antidepressant therapy
Funding Agency:
Research Group Link:
Materials Engineering (GEMAT)
Chemical & Synthetic Biology for Biotherapies (ChemSynBio)
TumorOut (Innovative mRNA vaccine against lung cancer)
Innovative platform of targeted polymeric nanoparticles for efficient personalized therapy against lung cancer
Funding Agency:
Research Group Link:
Materials Engineering (GEMAT)
Chemical & Synthetic Biology for Biotherapies (ChemSynBio)
ZwiRNA (Nanopartículas zwiteriónicas como vacunas de ARNm contra el cáncer pulmonar)
Desarrollo de Nanopartículas zwiteriónicas de Poli(beta-aminoester) como vacunas de mRNA para tratar el cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas (zwiRNA).
Funding Agency:
Research Group Link:
Materials Engineering (GEMAT)
Chemical & Synthetic Biology for Biotherapies (ChemSynBio)